1.There are two main shipping methods to choose from, and which one is your favorite?

Expedited shipping

Delivery times are between 2 - 5 days to all major destinations, the fastest shipping method worldwide. shipping costs vary from items, but all expedited shipping order will get a 50% discount on shipping costs.

Standard shipping

Delivery times are between 4 - 8 days to all major destinations. Standard shipping costs less but takes a bit longer than expedited shipping. shipping costs differ from items, but for the free shipping items, standard shipping order will get a 100% discount on shipping costs. However, for the non-free shipping items, you can just enjoy a 65% discount for it.

Note: The above delivery estimates do not include order processing time.

If you choose EMS as your shipping method on classjewellery.com and want to learn more about it, please go to website http://www.ems.com.cn/english-main.jsp.

2.Why can't I choose my desired courier?

Customers expect to receive their products at specific time according to the length of time and circumstances in different countries, so different couriers are chosen.

You can choose your couriers based on a combination of the following:

1) Weight and dimensions of package

2) The location:We are shipping from (city, state, country or region)

3) The location:We are shipping to (also called the destination country or region)

shipping costs are calculated individually for each order based on the number and weight of items in your order, as well as the shipping method chosen.